
Self Responsibility keeps coming up for me in my life, and it seems to be the case for a lot of people too. I feel called to write about it now in hopes that this post may set the mood for the New Year. I hope you find that you resonate with my words, and participate along with me! — Scott

2013! A New Year. A Fresh Start. Time to set some goals, right?? Not necessarily! Maybe it’s time to set some Self Responsibility! Too many year past, we set our sights on goals that are too lofty or complex to achieve (in a New Year’s resolution kinda way). Our pr0verbial eyes are too big for our Goal achieving abilities!

So you’re probably doing one of two things right now… you’re either saying, “Not me! I have Self Responsibility. I don’t know what he’s talking about!” or you’re saying, “I know a couple (other) people who could use that!”

I assure you, my statement is not meant to send you flying into defense mode OR stress you out. No matter where we are in our lives, we all could stand to take a moment and reflect on:

  • first, what Self Responsibility truly means, and
  • second, if we have the right amount of it in our lives.

Self Responsibility does not have to have a “bad” connotation… no, indeed! Self Responsibility is a wonderful way of grounding yourself; it has a very centered energy. It is strong, stable, and sure-footed. When you are accountable for your own actions as often as possible,  your energy is more stable, you can more readily recognize and satisfy your own needs. And you can give others the opportunity to satisfy their needs.

What does Self Responsibility truly mean? You might first think about:

  • “doing things we’re ‘supposed’ to do” or
  • that we eat, dress, bathe, clean, work, have friends, etc.
  • and we’re “responsible” people when we can do all of these things successfully.

Well, this is only part of my view of the whole vibration of Self Responsibility. There are many levels of Self Responsibility that we need to look at, and when we’ve mastered one level, it’s important to keep going!

When I consider the vibration of Self Responsibility, I see a deep level of stability that helps me stay focused doing all of those things I need to do. I believe that the most important level of Self Responsibility is when I FULLY own ALL of my emotional, mental, and energetic responses. I see that I need to be responsible for my soul’s needs and purpose… the deep, embedded spiritual morés that govern my conscience.

Too many times we overlook these deeper levels of Self Responsibility and convince ourselves that we are “self-responsible” because of the more superficial things. But when it comes down to it, our ONLY responsibility is for our own emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic well-being. We are only responsible for ourselves alone.

Part of living fully in the vibration of Self Responsibility is releasing our attachment to the idea that we can (or should) be responsible for other people’s total well-being, in addition to, or instead of, our own.

Now is the best time for you to start setting some strong intentions for self-responsibility. Just start to be aware when you neglect your own needs in favor of others… Is it your responsibility or is it theirs? Are you doing something because it “will make (somebody) happy” or are you doing something because it fulfills YOU too? Is it a real responsibility or have you written a contract you shouldn’t?

Tell me what you think! =)

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