My experience with ‘Creating’ today…

~ Become still as your purpose aligns with what you want to create.
~ Feel a deep reverence as you realize what your creation can become.
~ Know that what you are creating is contributing to your life’s mission.
~ Integrate this new understanding to look at your creation through all perspectives.
~ Become empowered as you own your purpose and let it radiate through your creation.
~ Move into your heart and feel the love you have for your creation before you release it to the world.
~ Be open to how your creation will interact with the world.
~ Know that you are safe in what you create if you align your actions with your highest values and stay consistent.
~ Feel a deep sense of appreciation as you watch your creation inspire others.
~ Honor your divine gifts and purpose by using them appropriately, which protects yourself and others.
~ Let your creation move out into the world, knowing that it will continue to evolve.
~ Allow what you’ve learned to radiate out to the world, and responsibly receive your needs from the collective.
~ Receive the serenity of accomplishment and know that you are growing into the next cycle of Creating.

(Written in part with the CCT 13 Steps of Creation Fruit of Life Soul Chart Process)

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