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Hi, I’m Scott McBride.

I am a Crystalline Consciousness Technique ™ (CCT) Master Teacher and Transformational Energy Coach. (Now that’s a mouthful.)

I am drawn to transformational energy healing because I believe in the overall inherent good in people. I believe that you possess the power and the desire to bring about change in your own world, and thus, the larger world around you by doing and creating good.

What is CCT?

Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ (CCT) is a system of techniques that work with Crystalline Consciousness, a very profound and powerful energy consciousness that is available to us in this day and age.   There is a huge array of incredible tools and healing in Crystalline Consciousness Technique, which helps…

∗ Heal the past

∗ Transform the present

∗ Empower your future

Crystalline Consciousness is very different than the other energetic realms that exist and that people work with.  First, it works with the Crystalline Energy System in the body, while most energy healing modalities work with the Electromagnetic System.  Secondly, it works from the inside out, where as most energy modalities work from the outside in.  And lastly, it works with the Three Phases of Transformation, which ensures that not only does the energy fully shift, it doesn’t revert back to an old trauma or pattern.

I love working with others with CCT, and especially teaching it, so you can empower and enrich your life. Heal what you’ve been carrying with you, transform your current experience, and experience life to the fullest extent possible.


How It All Started

I found CCT… or rather, CCT found me… in 2010.  At the time, I was a Reiki Master, and had a nice small clientele that came to my home for sessions.  I really enjoyed doing sessions for them, and wanted to expand, but felt like there was something missing.  I asked a few people for some ideas of what they knew was out there, and someone suggested that I try a CCT session.

The woman whom had sparked my interest in Reiki, also happened to be a CCT Practitioner.  I went to her for a session, and it blew me away.  I knew when we were done that I didn’t just want to practice the modality, I needed to know everything about it.

After I became certified as a CCT Basic Practitioner, I invited all of my Reiki clients to try it out for themselves.  Every one of them switched to CCT.  They had experience what I had in my session… a profound connection to myself, a massive shift in energy, and more powerful and longer lasting results.


What CCT Means To Me

Personally, I have been able to 1) overcome major obstacles and issues that I’ve experienced… grief, old emotional wounds from childhood, and self-limiting beliefs… 2) deepen into my personal and spiritual gifts and abilities… intuition, understanding my empathic gifts, and empowering others… and 3) find a masterful cycle and rhythm to the ebb and flow of life… approaching new challenges with enthusiasm, diving into creative projects and influences, and finishing what I set out to do.

I have a strong calling to assist others in empowering themselves every day to be better and more positive people, happy with all the benefits of living a good and giving life.  For me, CCT is ‘the way’.  For others, it’s ‘the way that supports the way’.  No matter how you choose to work with it (by receiving sessions, learning it for just yourself, or helping others by practicing or teaching), it will support you with your intentions and life goals.



If you have any questions on comments, please feel free to contact me:

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☎️ Phone: ‭(419) 705-5384‬

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For more information about CCT, please visit the international website at