
The Crystalline Energy System

You may not know this yet, but you have a system in your body that is doing extraordinary things for you!

Supporting Women’s Choices

Sometimes a new soul needs to practice with mom in building the vessel that will carry it for its life... and that co-creation doesn't always go according to plan. There can be physical or other issues that would result in a lifetime of lessons and experiences that...

My Past 5 Years …

Five years ago, I was starting to hit some strides in life.  I had just celebrated my third year in business, I had clients in my private practice, was becoming a CCT Teacher (more on that below), and was a prominent member in the NW Ohio community.  5 years ago last...

Miles of Space

Crystalline Consciousness Technique Create Miles of Space for Yourself … Holding space for yourself is one of the first things you learn to do in this class… it doesn’t take any effort on your part. Connect easily, and start holding a strong space for yourself as you...

Last Night I Was Triggered … a Story of Transformation

It’s not easy being ourselves sometimes… especially when others don’t understand who we are or what we’re going through. It’s easy to meet someone where they are when we understand them, but much more difficult when we don’t have a clue what they’re going through. It...